Close your eyes, and imagine: A blanket of glitter, as the setting sun dances off the water. The sound of light rapids burbling in the distance. Birds singing a beautiful melody. A light breeze whispering through the trees. The clean, earthy smell of the forest. Rivers are essential to the human experience; their sheer force can inspire awe, while their serenity soothes us, making it feel as though nothing else in the world matters.
Often, our vacations and favorite memories revolve around water. As humans, we’re naturally attracted to it. Rivers have the ability to transcend us into a state of calm and provide a euphoric destination for our thoughts and feelings.
The Blue Mind
There are many reasons why we are drawn to rivers. Author Wallace J. Nichols, Ph.D., a marine biologist and the author of “Blue Mind,” introduced a state, the blue mind, describing what humans feel around water.
“The immeasurable sense of peace that we feel around water is our “blue mind”—a chance to escape the hyper-connected, over-stimulated state of modern-day life, in favor of a rare moment of solitude.”
Study after study shows that being near water boosts our happiness and is good for our mental health. Participating in water sports takes the benefits further, by boosting our physical health, as well.
For many, time spent on the water is an opportunity for insightful thinking, creative output, or quality conversations.
For others, the sheer peace of scenic waterfalls, wildlife sightings, canoeing, or fishing brings that sense of calm that’s an essential part of the human experience.
Why Rivers Are Essential
Not only are rivers good for our souls, but humans use rivers for more practical reasons, too. Irrigation in agriculture, drinking water, transportation, the production of electricity, and leisure activities, to name a few.
Each of these can affect the health of a river and the natural and built communities around it, so it’s important that we work together to ensure rivers’ health and natural beauty will be maintained so future generations can enjoy nature’s tranquility.

That’s why Canoe the Caney has instituted a “clean as you go” program with our staff and our customers to facilitate the elimination of trash on the water, their banks, and their shorelines. We also work with local, state, and federal governments to ensure the health and safety of the wildlife who make their homes among our waterways, preserving them and their offspring for generations to come.
Connect With Nature on the Caney Fork River
If getting out and adventuring in nature isn’t part of your family’s summer agenda, you’re missing out! There are tons of water activities in Tennessee for all to enjoy, from fishing to whitewater rafting and many activities in between.
Take your loved one out for a beautiful sunset canoe adventure or load up the entire family for a half- or day-long canoe trip and a picnic along the way. Most importantly, make sure to relax, breathe, and enjoy the majestic views and natural resources that define our region.
Your time spent enjoying the Caney Fork River is time spent caring for the river and the animals and plants that call it home. At Canoe the Caney, we believe that our lakes, streams, and rivers, and the wildlife that inhabit them, are invaluable gifts to humanity.
Come, share an experience on the river with us.
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1 Mile Off I-40 Exit 273
17055 Smithville Hwy Silver Point, TN 38582 USA 1-800-579-7893